2023 Magnet® Application Manual

This 2023 Manual provides the latest information about the application process.
Please note that ANCC made clarifications to this document. For a list of these changes please refer to the errata document here.
Product Detail
Find the information and instructions to guide Magnet®-recognized organizations and those considering the Journey to Magnet Excellence® all in one place! This publication describes the Magnet Model and outlines the latest:
- Eligibility criteria
- Application process
- Documentation instructions
- Site visits
The 2023 Manual provides the latest information about the application process. A crosswalk from the 2019 edition is included. With examples, tips, and an extended glossary, this manual is clear and helpful to Magnet organizations and new applicants alike.
The ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® is the most prestigious distinction a healthcare organization can receive for nursing excellence and quality patient outcomes. Achieving Magnet recognition is a rigorous process, but organizations seek to join this esteemed group because of the benefits and status it conveys. From initial recognition and through the renewal process—Magnet recognition is a credential that reaffirms the hard work and dedication of the entire nursing staff and reinforces the development and use of evidence-based criteria to achieve nursing excellence.
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