Lead, Drive, and Thrive in the System, 2nd Edition

By Jennifer S. Mensik Kennedy, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Nurses Are Natural Leaders! Whether you are new to a health care system or working to make change in your current system, Lead, Drive & Thrive in the System, 2nd Edition is your how-to guide to success. You can be a leader, and this book will show you how!
Product Detail
All nurses are leaders, but even the best leaders sometimes need help navigating complex health care systems. This updated edition of Lead, Drive & Thrive in the System will be your personal guidebook to this challenging and rewarding nursing environment. This book translates theory into practice and offers critical information that all nurses can apply in their practice. Nurses from the bedside all the way to the corner office can use Lead, Drive & Thrive in the System to:
- · Understand why the system exists and what benefits it brings to nurses and patients
- · Recognize and take advantage of organizational politics to get things done
- · Learn who in the organization can give you the best information to make critical decisions
- · Leverage the unique aspects of systems to improve patient care
Whether you are new to a health care system or working to make change in your current system, Lead, Drive & Thrive in the System, 2nd Edition is your how-to guide to success. You can be a leader, and this book will show you how!
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